2016年9月27日 星期二

Note from textbook【 Week2】


Week2 Day1
1.laconic:Expressing much in few words.
            using few words in speech or writing

E.x:The closest anyone comes to announcing his destination is a laconic “Guess I'll head on in.” 
—Richard Rhodes, The Inland Ground, 1991

              A large group of people
3.intrepid:Characterized by resolute fearlessness, fortitude, and endurance.

E.x:Author and explorer Dame Freya Stark was one of the most intrepid adventurers of all time.

4.accost: To approach and speak to (someone) often in an angry, aggressive, or unwanted way.

5.reticent: Not willing to tell people about things.

E.x:An extremely reticent man, Morris does not like to talk about his experience in personal terms. 
Week2 Day2
1.furtive:Done in a quiet and secret way to avoid being noticed
2.felon:A person guilty of a major crime
            ★a criminal who has committed a serious crime
3.plethora: A very large amount or number
                  An amount that is much greater than what is necessary
                  =excess( an amount that is more than the usual or necessary amount)
4.hapless: Having no luck : very unfortunate
               ★ Hapless literally means what you'd expect it to mean: "without hap"-"hap" being another                      word for "fortune" or "luck."
  E.x.The hapless runner tripped during the race.
5.irate: Very angry,inscensed
1.pretext: A reason that you give to hide your real reason for doing something
E.x.She went back to her friend's house on the pretext that she had forgotten her purse.
2.fabricate:To make or build,construct (something)
E.x.Their plan is to fabricate the house out of synthetic materials         
3.adroit: very clever or skillful
E.x.He was adroit with money and was blessed with the extraordinary Spanish gift of  prolific, and even inchoate, invention.
4.gesticulate:to move your arms and hands especially when speaking in an angry or emotional way
E.x.He gesticulated wildly during their argument.
5.vigilant: carefully noticing problems or signs of danger.
          ★Wanting something very much
2.cajole : to persuade someone to do something or to give you something by making promises or                        saying nice things
              =coax〈 to influence or persuade (a person or animal) to do something by talking in a gentle  and friendly way〉
3.rudimentary:Basic or simple;not very developed or advanced
E.x.the equipment of these past empire-builders was rudimentary.

4.nuance:A subtle distinction or variation.

Raw Words


